

Limited Power of Attorney Form

Name of Money Manager: 
Performance Fee: Asset Management Fee: %
Payment Term: 計算期間: / 締め月:毎月
Calculation Method :  

Managed Account Authorization and Risk Disclosure

All Customers who designate an Authorized Money Manager or Trading Agent, defined as any person other than Customer, who is given the ability to control, manage or direct trading decisions in the Account (as defined below), must read and agree to the following document by signing and dating before Authorization will be granted by MGK Global Limited.

The Undersigned Customer(s) authorizes:

I/we designate the above-mentioned Money Manager as Agent and attorney-in-fact for the purpose of buying and selling margined foreign currency lots for the undersigned Customer's Account (the "Account"), and at the Customer's sole risk through MGK Global Limited, (hereafter referred as "MGK"). The Customer hereby indemnifies and holds harmless MGK for losses, indebtedness, and all other liabilities that arise directly or indirectly therefore.

Customer acknowledges and understands that MGK is hereby being given authorization to follow the instructions of the authorized
Customer's Money Manager (the "MM") in every respect with regard to the Customer's foreign currency trading Account with MGK EXCEPT for the non-trading withdrawal of any money, securities or any other asset that is in the name of the Customer. MGK will not in any way be liable or responsible for any buy or sell trading actions done on the Customer's behalf by the MM or for any losses incurred by the MM for the Customer's Account. Further, MGK does not endorse the Agent nor does it vouch for the background, or experience of the Customer's Trading Agent, nor does MGK endorse any operating methods used by the Customer's MM, including when trading for the Customer's Account.

Customer acknowledges and understands that MGK may provide the MM with monetary compensation for purchases and sales done on behalf of the Customer's Account on a per trade basis. As such, Customer acknowledges that such purchases and sales by the Agent may create a conflict of interest, as the Agent may have a financial incentive to trade, including on behalf of the Customer's Account Customer accepts.
Customer accepts this conflict by MGK and MM and waives all objections to such an arrangement.

Customer acknowledges, assents and understands that the above authorized MM will have access and will be given copies of any statements, notices and correspondence relating to Customer's Account and that the MM is hereby given authorization to acknowledge and approve the correctness of any such statements and other documentation on behalf of the Customer. MGK strongly suggests that the Customer should scrutinize all activity and Account information and should contact MGK immediately with any questions. MGK will endeavor to provide the Customer with online access to all Account information including, but not limited to, the Cash on Account, Unrealized Profit and Loss on Open Positions, Account Value, as well as a record of all prior trade details including but not limited to Realized Profit and Loss, the Date of the Transaction, Amount and Deal Price.

Customer acknowledges and understands that trading in margined foreign exchange is very risky and may result in losses that equal to or exceed the amount of margin deposited with MGK. Customer should only trade or give authorization to trade on Customer's be half, Risk Capital, which is defined as that capital which if lost would not alter the lifestyle of Customer, Customer's family and/or the solvency of the corporation for which Customer or Customer's Authorized trades.

Customer acknowledges that neither MGK nor any MM scan guarantee profits or avoid the risk of loss or, under some circumstances, even limit the extent of the potential loss under. Customer is solely and exclusively responsible for understanding the trading objectives and risks of the MM and acknowledges and agrees that MGK is not responsible for any transactions that may or may not conform to those objectives. By granting Trading Authority, Customer understands that MGK does not endorse nor vouch for any MM's objectives or to any representations that the MM may claim or make to the Customer.

Customer acknowledges that Customer and Customer's MM have read and understand the MGK's Risk Disclosure and Risk Warning Notice, and agree to all.

By signing this Limited Power of Attorney, the Customer acknowledges that Customer has carefully read, understand and agree to the Limited Power of Attorney, Managed Account Authorization document and provisions contained therein.